just some more animial fun
besides all of the sexual innuendo going on at the doho, the animals are getting all frisky outside. earlier this week, i heard this cat meowing in this totally strange way and i was like "WTF?" and one of my friends goes "oh that's how cats have sex" and i'm like "WTF?" and she goes yeah, they go through this whole formality thing where (i guess) the male starts meowing before he pounces on the female. so the male cat woo's the female, interesting. so this whole week i've been kinda hearing cats making all of these noises and it's been the topic of some random converstions too.
so today while we were walking to another garden, we stop by the post office, which is basically a bank too. outside of the bank is a golden retriever that's tied to a post. being the animal lover that i am in japan i go up to him and start petting him. and i'm kinda being cautious b/c i don't want to smell like dog. he doesn't really stink so i'm like "alright let's see if he can do tricks." so the first think i do is see if he can give me his paw. at first he doesn't do it, but after a while he give me his paw and i'm like "good dog!" and pat him on the head. he does it again and i get a glimpse of his under carriage and at first i don't believe it, but i get up and look and this dog is totally showing his LIPSTICK!
andreewww.... i misssss youuuuuuu....
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