

i guess i kinda have a routine over here in japan. nothing out of the ordinary than i would in la. i get up, take a shower and have breakfast and then head to class. but this past tuesday was different.

i'm down stairs in the kitchen having my cereal enjoying the silence of the morning with another dormmate. all of a sudden she says, "holy shit, the toaster oven is on fire." i'm not really awake yet so i'm calm and say "where?" i look over to the top of the microwave and sure enough, the toaster is on fire. it's a gentle flame coming from the inside, but it's still pretty dangerous.

so the smell of smoke doesn't get everywhere i calmly open the door to the outside, turn on the fan and close the door that connects the kitchen to the other other rooms. then i start to think about how we're going to extinguish this thing. we can't use water b/c it's most likely a grease fire so it'll spread, so i see the fire extinguisher, pull out the pin and get ready to fire it. at this point one of our other dormmates comes out of his room and goes, "have you ever used that? that shit gets everywhere." so the next thing we do is get a sheet that's on the floor being used as a floor mat and smother the toaster oven.

it eventually goes out, but what about the toaster oven? it's definately more versitile than a regular toaster. so the solution to this dilemma is to replace it with the one that is pictured above. that one looks like it's been in a fire or two...

as for the one that caught fire... this is where he ended up...